
lunes, 23 de mayo de 2016

Top 10 Most Powerful Enemies of Goku

Top 10 most powerful enemies of goku
All fans of this series have seen Goku has had to fight against enemies large and increasingly powerful, are already too many defeated by our Sayayin but it is worth noting that some of them left their mark. today I want to show you some of those characters.

canciones de dragon ball, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball GT, Dragon Ball Kai, Dragon Ball Super, Dragon Ball Z, Esferas del dragon, Goku, androide super 17, baby, broly, cell, cooler, dragon 1 estrella, enemigos de dragon ball, Freezer, janemba, majin buu, vegeta, villanos de dragon ball,androide 17, baby, broly, cell, cooler, dragon 1 estrella, enemigos de dragon ball, Freezer, janemba, majin buu, vegeta, villanos de dragon ball, Piccolo, goten, Kaio Shin, Bulma, Videl, Nappa, Namek, Ginyu, 

Freezer (フリーザ, Furīza) Also known as Freezer or Freeza (who died in 764) was a leader of the Interplanetary alien Trade Organization along with his older brother, Cooler, his son Kuriza, and secretly, his father King Cold.

It is unknown the year of birth of Freezer and when he began to rule, but in the year 731 was already in command of his business empire. That same year, Freezer made contact with the Saiyans on their home planet, offering the King Vegeta annexation of the planet to its empire, in exchange for allowing saiyans conquer planets for Freezer. Six years later, Freezer, who took fear of the Super Saiyan legend, began a plot to carry out a mass genocide of all Saiyans the universe. The purge the galactic emperor was almost a success, as Freezer killed himself even King Vegeta and another rebel supustamente saiyan, and immediately destroyed the planet; still survived among other Saiyans, Vegeta son of King Vegeta, Nappa and Raditz, who kept his service years later and others like Turles, Paragus, Broly and Tarble whom the never seen again.



During the Saiyan-Tuffles war, the last of the Tuffles created life forms of genetically superior, like organisms parasites, which are infused with the DNA of the Tuffles King. These organisms spread throughout the universe around 730 years, with the overall objective to destroy the Saiyans in revenge for the destruction of Tuffles by King Vegeta and his forces Saiyan. Baby was the first parasite Tuffle back and try to get revenge against the Saiyan race. While drifting through space, at age 735, Baby swears revenge on the Saiyans extinction of Tuffles and also produces the "universal Tsufruization Plan" in order to revive the Tuffles. In Age 740, Dr. Myu Baby manufactured in order to muster the energy resurrection that need to get a powerful body. baby programs myuu with the method of the mutants revealed machine, and production begins in Luud, H-2, and others.Apparently, created as a "last resort" by the demented Dr. Mew mutant machine, the baby is a parasite whose purpose in life is to see through the annihilation of the Saiyan race and the domination of the universe Tuffles name. However, as the name implies, the baby is very immature and prone to fits of rage and panic, and do not take seriously their battles. gives also understand that "Baby" was not his original name, or at least this is not what was intended to be folded, as Baby does not initially recognize the title and soon begins to reject it. During the battle between the baby-owned Gohan and Goten against Vegeta, Vegeta reveals his true background baby Tuffle and how it was created.

Androide Super 17

(スーパー 17号 Sūpā jūnanagōJap) It is the definitive android, created by the union of Android 17 and a new version, Android 17 Hell.

Already in the world of the living and Goku locked in hell, Hell Android 17 fight against Vegeta for a few minutes while waiting for the arrival of Android 17 Original to join. Meanwhile, the original was with his sister, 18, who was accompanied by Krillin and Marron. In a moment, for no reason, 17 is set to destroy the city, and wanted her sister a newly him. Krillin and his wife try to stop and do reconsider, but their efforts are futile. Krillin is killed by 17 and 18 is unconscious. When finally the encounter is achieved, the two 17 together and born the definitive android, Super 17.

This android is terribly powerful, and no effort to defeat Vegeta, Gohan, Goten, and Trunks Majuub. When Vegeta (who fight tirelessly and protector of the Earth is declared) is about to die, he is saved by Goku who escaped from hell. This is transformed into Super Saiyan and tries to keep some couple the fight, but after a while, Goku realized that Super 17 absorbs attacks by useless efforts, and later falls defeated. Several seconds later, Goku appears in super become Saiyan 4 and begins a frantic fight against the android. However, Goku is again defeated by his opponent.

When all seemed lost, 18 comes to avenge the death of her husband. She starts throwing several bursts of energy on Super 17, which absorbs them. At that time, Goku discovers that Super 17 is completely vulnerable while absorbing energy, so plan a strategy with his new ally. The saiyajin asks No. 18 to continue attacking, and while still absorbing Super 17, Goku manages to use the Fist of the Dragon on his opponent, piercing a big chest. Finally, Goku.


(セ ル Seru, known in Spanish dubbing of anime as cell) is a fictional character from the manga and anime Dragon Ball. It is a bioandroide created by Dr. Gero with the intention to take revenge on Goku for finishing with the Red Ribbon Army.

It is made from cells of Son Goku, Piccolo, Vegeta, Freezer and his father King Cold, following which has all its useful biological characteristics (such as regenerate and raise its power from the brink of death) and a computer , with a small camera, recorded the movements and techniques of these fighters making Cell know how to use all their attacks. Cell can absorb the energy of their enemies with the needle at the end of the tail, and to reach the perfection of your body should absorb Androids # 17 and # 18, Cell form has a perfect physique as is its height and a very hoarse and terrifying voice, Cell died on May 26 after Gohan end up with a kamehameha.

After Kazuhiko Torishima, the former editor of Dr. Slump Toriyama during and at the beginning of Dragon Ball, expressed his disagreement with Androids # 19 and # 20 and later, # 17 and # 18 as villains, Toriyama created a Cell. February 1 Toriyama has expressed its disagreement with the tedious Cell designs because they had to draw all the stains that have body. also had not thought at first that could be transformed, but gave him that ability when the then editor of Dragon Ball Z Cell Yū Kondō described as "ugly". Cell originally evolved in a similar way to a chrysalis in form Imperfect Cell (Fukanzentai 不完 全体 セ ル Seru), in which the insect style remains in both his first and his second form, the Semi-Perfect Cell (半 完全 体 セ ル Hankanzentai Seru) has a long tail ending in a sting that absorbs other organisms. The tail retracts beneath its wings in its final form, the Perfect Cell (完全 体 セ ル Kanzentai Seru) but uses it to generate the Cell Juniors (セ ル ジ ュ ニ ア Seru Junia), smaller versions of it.


Cooler only it appears in movies Tobikkiri not Saikyō tai Saikyō and Gekitotsu !! 100 oku not senshitachi power and the OVA The Plan to destroy the Saiyans, and makes a cameo appearance in Dragon Ball GT. He is the brother of Freezer and son of King Cold. His physical appearance is very similar to Freezer in its final form but Cooler has more power. It is purple and has a more than Freezer transformation, which is larger and with different head.

He came to Earth in order to take revenge on who killed his brother. Upon arrival, he seriously injured Goku with lightning in the back. Gohan went to look at Karin Tower uploaded on Haiya Dragon, but when it came wrested beans except one that was hidden, and gave Goku that was ready for combat. After a tough battle Cooler was propelled towards the sun with a Kamehameha for Goku and Cooler in theory he was defeated. While consumed in the Sun, he reflected on his loss, considering he had made the same mistake his brother Freezer have left alive a Saiyan.

Some time later reappeared on Namek with a metallic appearance because it had been reconstructed thanks to a chip. Vegeta and Goku destroyed.

Majin boo

This monster was created by Babidi 5 million years before the year zero of Chronology of Dragon Ball. Initially he had the appearance of a small child and annihilated hundreds of planets for several years, but it was a Babidi be that neither could control himself, so he locked himself in a sphere through a magic formula when not needed. He annihilated the Kaiō Shin north and west, absorbed the South gaining strength and energy majors with the appearance of a muscular giant, later absorvió to Dai Kaiō Shin, reducing its strength, energy and aggressiveness but getting new magical powers (as transform whatever in whatever you want) in this transformation acquired an obese appearance and a great appetite for food which drew its energy. Thanks to this Babidi com was able to control it more easily, but remain trapped in the area when Babidi was killed by Shin and Kibito. To get rid of Majin Babidi Boo continued destroying cities and terrorizing the population for fun. a home with clay made people transformed their powers and set out to divide the annihilation of the human race while waiting for his opponents was built. As the Earth army had achieved nothing against the monster, it was decided to send Mr. Satan to finish him. This gave poisoned chocolates (who did nothing) and "Game Poy" - pump (also not yield the result). Mr. Satan fell into Majin Boo grace and this he admitted as his slave. Majin Boo he healed found a wounded dog and then call Bee, and this friendship with Hercule they brought out a tender side. After that Satan was able to convince Boo was wrong to hurt people, but bandits who came there, shot Satan and Bee, causing the badness of Boo was separated from his body and formed in another Majin Boo, skinnier aspect of the bandits destroyed if pity. This new Majin Boo absorbed the first, but Satan would not attack or the dog, because still had memories of their friendship. He managed to learn how to detect the ki of people and hurried to Kami's Lookout, eager to fight. While small training at the Fourth of mind and time, Boo launched a powerful attack, which ended with all the inhabitants of the Earth (except Satan and Bee) and Ten Shin Han and Chaozu managed to dodge the attack. Then, Piccolo managed to convince him to come into the room, and after a battle in which it seemed that Gotenks had to lose, the Namek destroyed the door of the room locked quedasen all. Unfortunately Majin Boo managed to open a dimensional portal that could escape and eat all who were in the Palace except a Dende, who escaped. Shortly after they managed to leave Gotenks and Piccolo.

Gotenks, Super Saiyan become Level 3, managed to put on the ropes the monster, and apparently was about to kill it, but the time limit of the merger (30 minutes) is over. Majin Boo instead of killing them waited for Gohan arrived which had detectedo and he really wanted to face (Gotenks had fought to entertain and entice). Soon the superiority of Gohan saw, Majin Boo then devised a plan: wait for it to pass an hour that can be merged into Gotenks again and absorb as it was getting beat up by Gohan, who had come from another world trained by old Kaio Shin, who had freed his power oculto. See Majin Boo that it would be impossible to defeat him in that state, absorbed Gotenks and Piccolo. After this the new Majin Buu Gohan surpassed many times over. When Majin Boo was going to give the coup de grace, Son Gokū, they returned to life thanks to Rō Kaiō Shin, were transported to Earth and cut to Boo with Kienzan with intent to merge with Son Gohan using Potara earrings, but Boo suddenly suffered a huge loss of power, the exhaustion time of the merger, with this insufficient power to confront Gohan absorbed gaining more power than ever.


The movie begins with Goku fighting in another Other World Tournament against Pikkon. At the same time, a teenage "psyche ogre" who attends purification machine of evil in another world is distracted with your heavy metal music. Not paying attention and one of the tanks of the machine is full and releasing all the evil energy collected once breaks. As a result, the barrier keeping inmates dead in another world is destroyed, and many of the souls of the dead are now wreaking havoc on Earth. This includes do Dragon Ball Z series and movies, and also a bit of real life as Hitler (simply "dictator" in the English version) previous villains, and Gohan and Videl are called to help.

Bulma and the rest of the Dragonballs meet and summon Shenlong. They want for all undead to return to the other world souls, but Shenlong says that although can send them back, there is nothing that prevents them from returning, and that something is wrong with this world and only King Yemma can solve the problem.

The Great Kai Goku and sends Pikkon to King Yemma. When they arrive, they discover that the other world has changed, pimply gelatinous colors of objects and structures involving people. Yemma king was trapped inside one of these objects. Goku and Pikkon try to break the barrier, but absorbs all the energy released against ele. King Yemma informs them that a monster created by the spiritual power is the wrong time of arrival at the station. Goku begins to fight the monster, while Pikkon tries to destroy the barrier. The monster called Janemba has a child's mind and has strange powers that allow you to defy reality (such as creating a portal leading to pierce right to Goku), and even as a Super Saiyan 2 Goku is losing. Then powers up to Super Saiyan 3 and quickly dominates Janemba. Although apparently defeated, Janemba reduced by smaller, more powerful format.

Majin Vegeta

The dark prince of the Saiya-jin, appeared in the series after the death of Raditz. The latter spoke to Vegeta over the powers of the Dragon Balls. When he came to Earth he was accompanied by Nappa, another Saiya-jin. Chaoz, Tenshin-han and Piccoro die trying to defeat him. When Kakarotto back from his defeat Nappa training easily, then Vegeta kills Nappa one stroke, then starts the fight between Vegeta and Kakarot. Their levels are very similar and Vegeta realizes he can not beat him unless becomes a giant ape and creates a big ball of energy (an artificial moon) and already become monkey begins to crush Kakarotto but Yajirobe him short tail. Gohan and Krillin begin to fight Vegeta, in that, Gohan's tail grows and becomes a giant ape, begins to attack Vegeta but this cuts off the tail. Gohan Vegeta lands on top of the already tired and can not know who calls his ship and escape. This was not the end of Vegeta, since dedicated his life to try to kill Kakarotto.

Vegeta comes to Namek in search of the dragon balls after several events is allied to Z Team to fight the Ginyu, but is killed by Freezer. Vegeta is accidentally revived. Eventually, to the surprise of many, Vegeta "home" with Bulma and they have a son, Trunks from the future to help in the fight against the androids.

Then Vegeta becomes something like well ... but his heart is evil and constantly trained in the capsule 3.

In the Buu Saga allows Babi-di transform into Majin Vegeta, and almost defeat Kakarotto but decides to leave and fight against evil, then with the help of earrings Kaio-shin merges with Kakarotto to form Vegetto they beat Buu and allowed to absorb. With that breaks the merger but they manage to rescue others. But by absorbing Vegetto, Buu get enough to become Super Buu energy. Buu destroys the Earth and Kaio-shin teleports to his planet and Buu follows them. Buu begin to fight and nearly killed Kakarotto but Vegeta involved in the fight and nearly killed by Buu is but Hercule threat and this knocks Buu, Hercule will return the hit and Buu fat is separated from the two Buu begin to fight fat and is knocked unconscious. Vegeta and Kakarot begin to fight Buu and Vegeta tells Kaio-shin to gather spheres of Namek, Vegeta does and wants to use two wishes. Restore the Earth. Reliving all the third keep it for later . Everyone on Earth except Vegeta, Kakarotto and Buu. Kakarotto begins to form a Genki Dama while Vegeta distracts Buu. Meanwhile, the heroes on Earth tell everyone to raise their hands to donate energy to the Genki Dama, but ignored until they hear Mr. Satan, Kakarotto brings a lot of energy, spear, but Buu the bounces. So Kaio-shin uses the last wish and calls Kakarotto restore your energy. So it does make another Genki Dama with which manages to defeat Buu.


Broly is the son of a minor saiyan Paragus name. At birth, Broly was placed in a crib with Son Goku, who was born the same day. For some strange reason, the cries of Kakarotto Broly caused in a number of disorders that inadvertently increased his power level, reaching 10,000 units. King Vegeta, he is fearing that its strength would grow even more when Broly grow and rebelled against him, and orders executed Paragus kill Broly, subsequently leaving the bodies in space.

The destruction of Planet Vegeta at the hands of Freezer caused the annihilation of almost all of the Saiyan race and spread throughout the universe of survivors. Indeed, Broly was one of them, and even being just a baby was able to save his father and take him away to another planet acting unconsciously. This was caring and raising him, trying to contain the immense latent power within him, that even allowed to become Super Saiyan since childhood. But it was useless: once grew, Broly was uncontrollable, his strength was far superior to that of his father and devoted himself to raze few planets in its path. Faced with this delicate situation Paragus asked an eminent scholar design a headband to block the part of the brain that triggers the Battleforce with a remote control like a glove or a bracelet away, with excellent results and hiding for many years its existence and her son. It is because of this bracelet, which is connected by a tiara magic in front of Broly, which truncates the Super Saiyan transformation in your child. For this reason, in the first film that Broly makes his appearance, his hair does not become golden, like a normal super Saiyan, but it acquires a greenish blue tone. And then, in the film "The Return of Broly" Saiyan transformation is normal, because it no longer has the power controller.

Dragon 1 Estrella

This Dragon is the representative of the Sphere of a star and is the ultimate enemy of all who Goku and company have found in their way. His appearance was spectacular, as its first act was to defeat his brother Suh Shen Long. Conscious of its power, Li Shen Long took all the strength that provided the Sphere to put on the ropes Goku, that even being in Super Saiyan 4 could not defeat him, but a good use of the technique Ryuken Bakuhatsu, allowed him to Goku Li Shen Long destroy. But physical strength would allow him to rejoin the Dragon, and to top it off, absorb the Dragonballs, gaining incredible power. With this new power, Li Shen Long thrashed Goku, who was saved by Vegeta Super Saiyan become 4. After this, Vegeta and Goku would merge into Gogeta, causing major problems for Li Shen Long. Fortunately for the Dragon, the merger fell apart before they finished with him. Finally, Li Shen Long would be destroyed by a giant Genkidama Goku, whose energy was drawn from across the galaxy
.Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball GT, Dragon Ball Super, Dragon Ball Kai, Esferas del dragon, Goku, enemigos de dragon ball, Freezer, baby, androide super 17, cell, cooler, majin buu, janemba, vegeta, broly, dragon 1 estrella, villanos de dragon ball, androide 17, baby, broly, cell, cooler, dragon 1 estrella, enemigos de dragon ball, Freezer, janemba, majin buu, vegeta, villanos de dragon ball, Piccolo, goten, Kaio Shin, Bulma, Videl, Nappa, Namek, Ginyu, 

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